The USA is a large country in North America . Its neighbour in the north is Canada and in the south its neighbour is Mexico . The country extends from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the islands of Hawaii in the Pacific , and from cold , snowy Alaska to sunny Florida in the southeast . The USA has nearly every kind of weather . Also , it has many kinds of land- wide grasslands , rocky mountains , powerful rivers , lakes of different sizes , sandy beaches , great forests and lands of ice and snow . the highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains and the longest river is the Mississippi . More than 300 million people live in the US but the country is vere big , so there is still a lot of open space. There are 50 states that make up the USA . Some are small and some are big . The smallest is Rhode Island and the biggest is Alaska . The capital city is Washington , D . C . It lies on the banks of the Potomac River . The letters D .C . mean District of Columbia . Its territory doesn't belong to any state . The US government and its Congress are situated there . Every state has its capital . The largest city in the country is New York City famous for its skyscrapers. сократите текст так чтобы осталось предложений 5-7 не особо больших.