Нужно срочно перевести ** английский, пожалуйстаааа В конце XIII века английский король...

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Нужно срочно перевести на английский, пожалуйстаааа В конце XIII века английский король Эдуард I (1239-1307; король с 1272) ввел войска в Уэльс с целью присоединения этой территории к Англии. Английская армия во главе с тяжеловооруженной рыцарской конницей легко одерживала верх на равнине. В Уэльсе не было такой армии, и местные жители предпочли перенести войну в горы. Что такое война в горах, даже теперь, мы все прекрасно знаем на примерах Афганистана и Чечни. А в то время... Кроме того, валлийцы (т.е. жители Уэльса) совершали частые ночные нападения небольшими группами, что было не принято в рыцарской войне. Боевые действия затянулись. К счастью для обеих сторон в этом конфликте возобладал здравый смысл - было достигнуто компромиссное решение. Валлийцы согласились принять от Эдуарда I государя, но на следующих условиях: он должен был родиться в Уэльсе, быть знатного рода и не знать ни слова ни по-английски, ни по-французски. Требования о языке объяснялись тем, что воевали валлийцы с англичанами, но правила в Англии династия Плантагенетов - франкоязычная. Т.е. валлийцы надеялись, что государем у них будет свой, валлиец. Ну, будет он лично вассалом английского короля, ну и что. Однако вышла маленькая неожиданность. Когда вожди валлийских кланов явились к Эдуарду I, чтобы он представил им их нового государя, тот вынес им своего двухнедельного сына, родившегося в Уэльсе во время этой кампании, и сказал: "Вот вам, пожалуйста. Он родился в Уэльсе две недели тому назад; он знатного рода - мой сын; и он не знает ни слова ни по-английски, ни по-французски". Делать нечего. У валлийцев хватило благоразумия его принять. Это пошло на пользу обеим сторонам. Прекратилась бесперспективная взаимоистребительная война. Валлийцы сохранили свою культуру, этнические особенности и язык до наших дней. А сколько народов с той поры кануло в Лету? Наиболее близкий нам пример - половцы или куманы. Однако, вернемся к нашим баранам... Английские короли получили прекрасное пополнение к своей пехоте: валлийские лучники в то время были лучшими в Европе. Они стреляли из очень длинных, составных, клееных, очень тугих луков. Стрелы могли пролететь до 400-500 метров и имели хорошую убойную силу, правда, не только из-за таких луков, но и особой техники стрельбы. Скорострельность лучников в три раза превышала скорострельность арбалетчиков (основной силы французской армии). Таких лучников ни у кого не было. К тому же они подучили и англичан своему искусству. Валлийская молодежь получила выход в Европу, правда, пока в виде доступа на войну с французами, но там можно было хорошо поживиться. Выгода от прекращения конфликта была взаимной. И на первом этапе Столетней войны англичане одерживали блистательные победы над французами благодаря своей замечательной пехоте! С тех пор наследник английского престола носит титул принца Уэльского.

Английский язык (33 баллов) | 59 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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At the end of the XIII century, the English king Edward I (1239-1307; the king since 1272) sent troops into Wales to annex this territory to England. The English army, led by a heavily armed knightly cavalry, easily outplayed the plain.

There was no such army in Wales, and the locals preferred to move the war to the mountains. What is war in the mountains, even now, we all know perfectly well by the examples of Afghanistan and Chechnya. And at that time ...

In addition, the Welsh (ie, the inhabitants of Wales) made frequent night attacks in small groups, which was not accepted in the knightly war. The fighting dragged on.

Fortunately for both sides, common sense prevailed in this conflict - a compromise solution was reached. The Welsh agreed to accept a sovereign from Edward I, but under the following conditions: he was to be born in Wales, to be of noble blood and not to know a word in English or French. The demands for language were explained by the fact that the Welsh fought with the British, but in England the Plantagenet dynasty was French-speaking. Those. the Welsh hoped that they would have their own sovereign, the Welshman. Well, he will personally be a vassal of the English king, but so what.

However, a little surprise came out. When the leaders of the Welsh clans came to Edward I to introduce them to their new sovereign, he delivered them his two-week-old son, born in Wales during this campaign, and said:

"Here you are, please. He was born in Wales two weeks ago; he is a noble family - my son; and he does not know a word in either English or French."

Nothing to do. The Welsh had the prudence to take it. This benefited both parties. The unpromising mutually destructive war stopped. The Welsh have retained their culture, ethnicity and language to this day. And how many peoples have since sunk into oblivion?

The closest example to us is the Polovtsy or Cumans.

However, let us return to our sheep ... The English kings received an excellent replenishment to their infantry: the Welsh archers at that time were the best in Europe. They shot from very long, compound, glued, very tight bows. The arrows could fly up to 400-500 meters and had a good stopping power, however, not only because of such bows, but also a special shooting technique. The archers' rate of fire was three times the rate at which the crossbowmen (the main force of the French army) were. Nobody had such archers. In addition, they taught English to their art. The Welsh youth received access to Europe, however, so far in the form of access to the war with the French, but there it was possible to profit well. The benefits of ending the conflict were mutual.

And at the first stage of the Hundred Years War, the British won brilliant victories over the French thanks to their wonderful infantry!

Since then, the heir to the English throne bears the title of Prince of Wales.

(64 баллов)
0 голосов

We need to translate urgently into English, please

At the end of the XIII century, the English king Edward I (1239-1307; the king since 1272) sent troops into Wales to annex this territory to England. The English army, led by a heavily armed knightly cavalry, easily outplayed the plain.

There was no such army in Wales, and the locals preferred to move the war to the mountains. What is war in the mountains, even now, we all know perfectly well by the examples of Afghanistan and Chechnya. And at that time ...

In addition, the Welsh (ie, the inhabitants of Wales) made frequent nocturnal attacks in small groups, which was not accepted in the knightly war. The fighting dragged on.

Fortunately for both sides, common sense prevailed in this conflict - a compromise solution was reached. The Welsh agreed to accept a sovereign from Edward I, but under the following conditions: he was to be born in Wales, to be of noble blood and not to know a word in English or French. The demands for language were explained by the fact that the Welsh fought with the British, but in England the Plantagenet dynasty was French-speaking. Those. the Welsh hoped that they would have their own sovereign, the Welshman. Well, he will personally be a vassal of the English king, but so what.

However, a little surprise came out. When the leaders of the Welsh clans came to Edward I to introduce them to their new sovereign, he delivered them his two-week-old son, born in Wales during this campaign, and said:

"Here you are, please. He was born in Wales two weeks ago; he is a noble family - my son; and he does not know a word in either English or French."

Nothing to do. The Welsh had the prudence to take it. This benefited both parties. The unpromising mutually destructive war stopped. The Welsh have retained their culture, ethnicity and language to this day. And how many peoples have since sunk into oblivion?

The closest example to us is the Polovtsy or Cumans.

However, let us return to our sheep ... The English kings received an excellent replenishment to their infantry: the Welsh archers at that time were the best in Europe. They shot from very long, compound, glued, very tight bows. The arrows could fly up to 400-500 meters and had a good stopping power, however, not only because of such bows, but also a special shooting technique. The archers' rate of fire was three times the rate at which the crossbowmen (the main force of the French army) were. Nobody had such archers. In addition, they taught English to their art. The Welsh youth received access to Europe, however, so far in the form of access to the war with the French, but there it was possible to profit well. The benefits of ending the conflict were mutual.

And at the first stage of the Hundred Years War, the British won brilliant victories over the French thanks to their wonderful infantry!

Since then, the heir to the English throne bears the title of Prince of Wales.

(38 баллов)