1 фото:
Автор: Льюис Кэрролл (Lewis Carroll)
Произведения: "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", "Phantasmagoria and Other Poems", "Phyme? And Reason?", "Sylvie and Bruno", "Pillow Problems", "The Maniet", "A tangied Tale"
2 фото:
автор: Rudyard Kipling (Редьярд Киплинг)
произведения: "The city of Dreadful Night", "Soldiers Three", "The story of the Gadsbys", "Under the Deodars", "Life's Handicap", "Mine Own People"
3 фото:
автор: Памела Линдон Трэверс (Pamela Lyndon Travers)
произведения: "Mary Poppins", "Aunt Sass", "I go by sea, I go by land", "2 Pairs of shoes", "Friend Monkey", "Fox at the Manger"