Упражнение №2. Составьте словосочетание, выражающее принадлежность. Например: Alex / table – Alex`s table 1.A bottle / water 2. My sister / dress - 3.My brothers / room -4.Women / skirts -5.Men / ties - 6.A glass / wine - 7.Our parents / house - 8. Children / kites -9.Jane / bag - 10.A bag / flour - Упражнение №3. Перефразируйте предложения с использованием притяжательного местоимения и показателя принадлежности. Например: Tom has got a car. It is Tom’s car. It is his car. 1.Charlie has got beautiful photos. 2.My parents have got two cars. 3. Your brothers have got three tickets to London. 4.This tree has got a long branch. 5.My sister has got a wonderful dress. 6.Our dogs have got a kennel. 7.Christine and Michel have got a big house in the suburbs. 8.Your cat has got a deep bowl. 9.Her children have got very interesting toys. 10.John has got a sailing boat. 11.That door has got a golden doorknob. 12.Our garden has got fruit trees. 13.These women have got beautiful flowers. 14.Sandra and Tomas have got a big friendly dog. 15.Those men have got dark suits.