Джеймс и его друзья отправились на кулинарный мастер-класс. Прочитай внимательно условия задачи и реши ее. James and three of his friends attended a cooking class at the local restaurant. The cooking class hosted four different chefs and each showed how to cook several of their signature dishes. James and his friends enjoyed the evening and all agreed that they’d like to do it again. Each had a favorite dish from the evening and here they differed. Each friend’s favorite dish was cooked by a different chef. Determine the full name of each friend, the full name of each chef, and name the dish that each friend liked best of all. 1. William, whose last name wasn’t Evans, cooked Full English Breakfast. 2. Mr. Wilson liked Lily’s dish best. Harry’s last name wasn’t Walsh. 3. Emily Brown didn’t like Bangers and Mash. Oliver liked Jacob’s dish the most. 4. Fish and Chips was cooked by Mr. Sullivan. Lily’s last name wasn’t Wang. 5. The chef, Tracy O’Connor, didn’t cook Bangers and Mash. 6. James, whose last name wasn’t Smith, liked the dish cooked by William but he didn’t like Shephered’s Pie.