В каузитивной форме переведите слова на английском. 1)Ей проверили глаза. 2)Ему помоют полы. 3)Ей измеряют температуру. 4)Ей делают платье.
She has her eyes checked. He will have his floors washed. She is having her dress made.
She has had her eyes checked. He will have his floors washed. She is having her dress made.
She has had her eyes checked. He will have his floors washed. She is having her temperature checked. She is having her dress made.
1. She has had her eyes checked.
2. He will have the floor washed.
3. She is having her temperature taken.
4. She is having a dress made.
Спасибо большое Volga
Ты меня спас
у меня просто не было времени с английским заниматься
я музыкой занимался
ты выручил, спасибо бро))