50+ ,балов, СРОЧНО!!!!II. Из данных предложений выпишите те, действие которых происходит в настоящем времени, и переведите их:6. Degrees in business and engineering will result in a well-paid job.7. Higher education in the US began in 1636.8. Education lays the groundwork for achieving success in life.9. The private schools do not displace the public schools.10. Gradually universities became the dominant structure of higher education.III. Из данных предложений выберите те, действие в которых про-исходило в прошлом, и переведите их:11. The American system focuses on teaching man to get along in the commu-nity.12. The development of business stimulated the improvement of the XIX century universities.13. Competition in getting jobs supports the idea of equal opportunities.14. American colleges tried to duplicate the colleges of ancient universities of England.15. Many private institutions which came into existence at about this time greatly influenced American education.