Нужно поставить глагол to be в этой же видо-временной форме, что и оригинал плюс Participle II (3-я форма глагола)
To write-to be written
Will help-will be helped
Should bring-should be brought
Is looking for-is being looked for
Has bought-had been bought
Can wash-could be washed
Was reading-was being read
Ate-was eaten
Were listening-were being listened
Have told-have been told
Must wear-might be worn
Had got-had been got
Could do-could be done
Will have finished-will have been finished
To have made-to have been made
May close-might be closen
This hotel is spoken English and French
Last week the window was broken by a little boy
This enquiry was typed by our secretary
The computer is quit often used by Jill.
Some colleagues were defended by the secretary