Вы только что вернулись после медицинского осмотра в вашей клинике, где у вас не было неприятной встречи с некоторыми сотрудниками. Напишите письмо с жалобой руководителю клиники с предложением мер, которые следует предпринять для улучшения обслуживания клиентов клиники. (150 слов)
In addition to your personal preferences about which providers you’d rather have taking care of you, your choice of providers matters for financial and insurance reasons.
Most health plans have provider networks. These networks are groups of providers that have agreed to provide services to the health plan’s members at a discounted rate and that have met the quality standards required by your insurer. Your health plan prefers that you use its in-network providers rather than using out-of-network providers.
In fact, HMOs and EPOs won’t pay for services you get from a health care provider that’s out-of-network except in extenuating circumstances. PPOs, and to a lesser extent POS health plans, will usually pay for care provided by out-of-network providers. However, they incentivize you to get your care from their in-network providers by charging you a higher deductible, copayment and/or coinsurance when you use an out-of-network provider.