Program PS;var n, i: integer; b: real; a: array[1..3] of real;begin read(n); for i := 1 to 3 do a[i] := random(50) - 20 + random( ); for i := 1 to n do begin if (a[1] > 15) and (a[2] > 15) and (a[3] > 15) and (otoplenie = true) then otoplenie := false; if(a[1] < 10) and (a[2] < 10) and (a[3] < 10) and (otoplenie = false) then otoplenie := true; a[1] := t[2]; a[2] := t[3]; a[3] := random(50) - 20 + random( ); end;end.Помогите исправить программу, выдает ошибку - Program1.pas(14) : Неизвестное имя 'otoplenie'. Pascal