Умоляю срочно , прошу помогите , составьте к 50 упражнению по тексту 5 общих и 5 специальных вопросов(кто ответит тому поставлю. лайк и подпишусь!)
Общие: 1. Is David Ben’s best mate? 2. Did Ben feel so comfortable and relaxed? 3. Are Ben and Amy go to the cinema on Friday? 4. Does Ben want a date to be special? 5. Are Ben and David going to see each other tomorrow at school? Специальные: 1. Why did Ben feel comfortable and relaxed? 2. What did Ben do last night? 3. Where is Ben going out on Friday? 4. When are Ben and Amy going out on a date? 5. Where will Ben see David tomorrow?