Katie: Good morning, Lizzy.
Lizzy: Is that right?
Katie: I think someone got off the wrong foot this morning! What's the matter?
Lizzy: Yes, I'm a little tired, that's all. I had a terrible nightmare last night. I woke up, shaking like a leaf with a beating heart. Then I could not fall asleep.
Katie: Poor thing! What was the nightmare about?
Lizzy: Well, I tried to get to the exam, but my legs just didn't move.
Katie: So ... did you finally get there?
Lizzy: Yes, but then I realized that I could not answer any questions!
Katie: Oh, it's terrible! I once dreamed of the same. I was looking for what it means. This may mean that you are afraid to afford something.
Lizzy: That's a thought! So it doesn't mean that I fail the exams?
Katie: No, don't worry. Nightmares are when only your subconscious mind is trying to cope with all its stresses and worries, that's all.
Lizzy: So much easier!