I. V. KUrchatov said: "I was happy to be born in Russia".
He stressed: "I devoted all my life to nuclear physics and I am sure that the RUssian people will use the achieVements of this science for the good of mankind only".
Roentgen found:"Radiation from a cathode-ray tube is able to renetrate thin matter like wood but it is stopped by thicker objects such as pieces of meteal and bones".
Marie and Pierre discovered: "RadUim sends out rays consisting of particles smaller that the atom".
Physicists said:"The whole traditional concept of the structure of matter has to be completely revised".
In 1905 Albert Einstein declared:"Matter can be converted into energy - very little matter into very great energy".
They say:"When Einstein used the word relativity for the first time he didn't know that this word would become a famous word in the world of science".