Изучи таблицы. Дополни прпущенные части конструкции. "Отрицательные формы" Полные формы: I am not going---------- see a comedy. You------------ not going to see a comedy. He/she/it---------- not going to see a comedy. We---------- not goiug to make a film. You-----not going to be actors. They are not--------to be actors. Краткие формы: I'm not going---------see a comedy. You aren't------------to see a comedy. He/she/it---------going to see a comedy. We aren't--------to make a film. You aren't-------- ------- be actors. They----------going to be actors.
Объясните пожалуйста поподробнее
I am not going to see a comedy
You are not going to see a comedy
He/she/it is not going to see a comedy
We are not going to make a film
You are not going to be actor
They are not going to be actors.
В пропуски нужно вставить недостающие частицы или формы are/is в отрицательной форме. В первом предложении, например, пропущена частица «to”