1)Dominica looks ______ from the sun because she plays tennis in summer. (7 букв) 2)My best friend and I have ______ interests and hobbies but not exactly the same. 7 букв 3)Yuri and his brother both have the same light hair and brown eyes so they look really _______. 5 букв 4)Irina hasn't got any brothers and sisters, so she's an _____ child. 4 буквы 5)Mikael plays football ________ with his friends every weekend. 7 букв 6)You're very ______. You must get our in the fresh air more often. 4 буквы 7)Oksana is tall and _______ because she exersice a lot. 4 буквы 8)David _____ goes to the theatre. He thinks isn't go in. 6 букв 9)My little brother is very _______. He doesn't like getting up early. 4 буквы Надо вставить пропущенные слова