Chestno govorya , po moyemu skromnomu mneniyu i , ne zhelaya obidet' nikogo v kommentakh , ch'ye mneniye otlichayetsya ot moyego , no vse zhe , rassmatrivaya etot vopros s drugoi tochki zreniya , v to zhe vremya , ne oprotestovyvaya nich'yu pozitsiyu , i , starayas' byt' ob'yektivnym , a takzhe , prinimaya vo vnimaniye vse bez isklyucheniya argumenty drugikh uchastnikov obsuzhdeniya iskrenne polagayu , chto ya tselikom i polnost'yu zabyl nakhren , chto khotel skazat'
Frankly speaking, in my humble opinion and not wanting to offend anyone in the comments, whose opinion differs from mine, but still, considering this issue from a different point of view, while at the same time not challenging a position, and, trying to be objective, and also, taking into account all the arguments of other participants of the discussion without exception, I sincerely believe that I completely and completely forgot what I wanted to say