Twentieth centurytwenty-first centurythe nineties!one hundred and first busfive hundred carshundreds of carsthousand of peopletwice!forty-first sizethe twentieth schoolfifth chapterdouble room in hotelfifth Cup of teatwo inchesfour hundred pages480-th pagea one-way ticket6 more than 3 billion dollarsabout 5 million rublesless than b thousand peopleSix thousand seven hundred thirty eightSix thousand seven hundred thirty eight1/21/42/33/411/2010.05Two hundred forty fivehalf-and-a-halfhalf an hour and an hour and a halfhalf an Apple, half an Applehalf a mile! mileshalf a kilogram-one and a half kiloshalf past eightquarter fifthfive to fivefive past fivequarter to five.I have no hoursOne thousand five hundred thirty five