Хелп Ребят Нужна помощь
А фото где? или их хотела написать или сфоткать?
там большре задание?
Complete the sentences with the correkt form of do, play or go. Use the present simple : 1.My brother _____ karate. 2.We dont _____ jogging very often. 3.I ______ football after school. 4.My friends and I _____ ice skating on Sundays. 5.My parents ______ tennis on Saturday mornings. 6.John ______ rollerblading with his friends. 7.You don't ______ athletics at school. 8.Sarah _____ gymnastics.
1 play , 2 do,3 play, 4 go, 5 play, 6 play, 7 play, 8 do
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