Помогите задать вопрос ко всем членам предложения, а так же задать разделительный, общий, альтернативный вопросы My younger brother studies Russian history at the Correspondence Institute.
Does my younger brother study Russian history at the Correspondence Institute? - общий Does my younger brother or sister study Russian history at the Correspondence Institute? - альтернативный Does my or your younger brother study Russian history at the Correspondence Institute? - альтернативный Does my younger brother study Russian or American history at the Correspondence Institute? - альтернативный Does my younger brother study Russian history at the Correspondence or Business Institute? - альтернативный Does my younger brother study Russian history at the Correspondence Institute or University? - альтернативный My younger brother studies Russian history at the Correspondence Institute, doesn't he? - разделительный Who studies Russian history at the Correspondence Institute? - к подлежащему Специальные: Where does my younger brother study Russian history? What subject does my younger brother study at the Correspondence Institute?
Is he your brother who studies russian history in the Institute ? Does he your younger bro? Does this boy your bro? Does he study ? What does he study ? Where does he study ? Where does your younger brother study ? How long does he study there ?
насколько я понял, это должно выглядеть так