1. Заполните пропуски личными
местоимениями в объектном падеже
(отвечают на вопросы кому, чему? и т.д.)
me, you, him,
her, it, us,
Пример: I have a friend. I like to
spend my time with (he)… - I like to spend my time with him.
(У меня есть друг. Я люблю проводить
время с ним)
1) We
are students. Take the book from the table and put (it)… into your
2) She is a good waiter. The visitors of the restaurant like (she)…
3) They are talented headwaiters. The director
pay (they)… a very good salary.
4) The flowers are very beautiful. Look at (they)…
5) The children like sweet. Give (they)… some sweet.