Hey, Alice, what are you doing? - Hi, Ira, listening to music. Do you like listening to music? And of Course I do, I get up in the morning to the sound of music, go to school with music, study with music, sleep with music, just for the lessons the teacher makes you turn the music off, and I would in the classroom and listened to music. And:-I, too, love music, but sometimes its all -??? 'm turning it off. I you love to listen to music in the company? And: - Of course love! Every month I go to concerts and listen to music in a very large company. A:-what kind of music do you like? And Very different, but the names will not tell, and that is work. A:-Well at least tell me happy or sad? And: - Patriotic. And: - this what? And the kind you listen to and in my heart all seething with delight. A: I think that's loud music? And:-the Main thing in music is not the volume but the content. And: - Thanks, need to, too, try listen to Patriotic music