#1 I'll do I won't do Will you do?
He'll work He won't work Will he work?
She'll sleep She won't sleep Will she sleep?
We'll work We won't work Will you work?
They'll drink They won't drink Will they drink?
Mike'll write Mike won't write Will Mike write?
You'll have You won't have Will you have?
We'll be We won't be Will you be?
#2 1. I'll play chess tomorrow.
2. I won't play chess tomorrow.
3. Will you play chess tomorrow?
4. Nick'll go to school tomorrow.
5. Will you come to my place next Sunday?
6. I won't see him tomorrow.
7. What will you do tomorrow?
8. Where will you go next summer? (Мне кажется, что там ошибка, я думаю, что так: "Where will you go next summer TO?" Думаю, что надо с частицей, но возможно, что можно без нее, но в любом случае, ошибкой не будет.)
9. They won't take care of the garden next summer.