You can often hear the popular expression : " In a healthy body - healthy mind ." I never understood this idiotic sequence to put the cart before the horse. In my mind , a healthy body - it is always 100% product healthy mind . Because it is from your wisdom will depend on what and at what rate will turn your body . That, Well ... today we will learn in such a rare , despite its favor , a thing as a healthy lifestyle. We'll know what to do in order to be healthy , strong and happy life. I believe that all the efforts of the reasonable person should be aimed not at making patching and repair your body . And the fact , that to give himself a way of life in which the body as little as possible would be broke . Then there is no need to treat him , losing a lot of nice things around. It's pretty darn reasonable. But in practice, stick to it very few . Yes ! All are constantly told that health - the most expensive . But it should be , in practice , for him - one. Why ? Too many temptations around . Too many bad examples around. And too little accurate information . ... So it turns out that in the pursuit of "the good life" we lose our health. Nothing in the universe just does not happen. All balanced . For each, plus we get a minus . For each spent force we will get a reward. Therefore, for every "joy" be prepared to pay what is ! It is the law of communicating vessels : the more one is, the less the other. Drinking, drugs , gluttony, " big money " - all these pleasures will require in return your health and take away a slice of life. And the more "joy" , the more will have to pay for it . It turns out that as long as a person is poor , he is ready to give all their health to make money and pleasure . And when a man becomes rich, he is ready to give all their money for the sake of health and youth , which is associated with it . Because even though the time and often referred to as a good doctor , but even if it did, in any case , it is worthless kosmitolog !