Tale of the Golden Cockerel In the kingdom of Far Far Away , tridesyatom state, there lived a glorious king Dadon . Neighbors and then cause offense easily , old age wanted to take a break from martial affairs. But it began to disturb the neighbors . Protect the kingdom did not succeed . Addressed to the sage . The wise man took out a bag of Golden Cockerel and said to put the bird on the needle , since everything around will be peaceful, so it will sit still. But if you have to wait for the war - pripodymet rooster comb, scream and vstrepenetsya and the place will turn out. The king thanked him, promised to fulfill any will . The cockerel was to guard the border. Neighbors grew quiet . Year , the other passes peacefully . Cockerel crying again . The king sends an army to the east , the eldest son of his leads. Cock calmed down . It takes eight days , no news from the army . Cockerel crying again . Klichet another king 's men , his youngest son, he now sends to the rescue . Cock again subsided . Again, there is no lead from them! Again eight days go by. Cockerel crying again , call together the king 's men and the third leading her to the east. The troops are going day and night - no carnage . The army of the king of the mountains leads , and Intermedia high mountains sees a silk tent . Around the tent is a beaten army . Tsar Dadon to the tent in a hurry ... What a terrible picture ! Before him his two sons without Shelomov and no armor are both dead , plunging a sword into each other. Suddenly the tent flew open ... and virgin queen Shamahanskaya quietly met the king. Forgot it before her death two sons . She took him by the arm and took her into the tent . Week feasted her Dadon . Went home with the girl . The crowd saw a eunuch . Asked to give her virginity. The king refused. King of grabbing his wand over his forehead ; he fell on his face , and the spirit of the mind. That is - he enters the city , suddenly there was a light ring, cock sporhnul with needles; flew to the chariot and the king sat on the crown of the head , pecked at the crown and hoisted ... and at the same time, the chariot fell Dadon ! Gasped again - and he died . And the queen suddenly disappeared , though it had not happened. Tale of a lie , but it hints ! Good fellows a lesson.