Major Igor Konstantinovich Grom is a fictional character, the superhero of the universe of Bubble Comics. Created by screenwriter Artem Gabrielian and artist Yevgeny Fedotov. Debuted in the first edition of his own comic book series Major Gromov in October 2012.
According to the comic story, Igor Grom is an honest and incorruptible hereditary policeman from St. Petersburg, with all his might, defending his beloved city against crime. With the support of colleagues, especially his new partner Dima Dubin, he confronts various costumed criminals, starting with the serial killer of the Plague Doctor.
Although in real life Igor Grom is positioned as a superhero, he does not fit into some traditional ideas about such characters: he does not have super abilities, does not have a nickname and does not wear a super suit (although he has one regular set of clothes). Igor's characteristic outline is his eyebrows, which are shaped like lightning along the temporal edges.
In 2017, the Major Thunder series was closed and replaced by the Igor Grom series, in which Thunder is no longer a police officer and continues to fight crime simply as a civilian. The appearance of the character has also changed.