A.Then Tom Thumb looked into the wardrobe in Janes room, took Janes clothes and threw...

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237 просмотров

A.Then Tom Thumb looked into the wardrobe in Janes room, took Janes clothes and threw them out of the window.Hunca Munca took a chair, a bookcase, a bird caqe, and Lucindas clothes downstairs. The bookcase and the bird caqe didnt qo into the mouse-hole. Hunca Munca left them on the floor. But she took the bed-clothes into the mouse-hole.
B.One morninq Lucinda and Jane went out for a walk in the dolls car. Suddenly two mice came. They were Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca. The mice went to the dolls house. They opened the door and went upstairs. They saw meat, a fish, a cake, and some oranqes on the table. Themice were happy! Tom Thumb took the meat. He wanted to eat the meat but it was not easy. Suddenly the meat broke.Under the paint it was clay! Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca broke up the cake, the fish, and the oranqes.
C.The dolls house was red with white win-dows and a door. It was very beautiful. It was the house of two, Lucinda and Jane. D. Suddenly the little qirl came. The mice ran away into tneir hole.ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!

Английский язык (288 баллов) | 237 просмотров

Можно не делать номер B.

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1.тогда Том Хамб посмотрел в гардероб в комнате Джейн,взял её одежду и выкинул через окноХунса Мунса(ФИО её наверно)взяла стул,коробку,птичью клетку и спустилась вниз.Она (он) поставил(а) их (вещи) а пол.но он(а) взял(а) плохую одежду для мышинной норы(я не знаю что это за бред)

(68 баллов)