Написать прилагательные в превосходной степени ,вот слова:good,small,larg,huppy,not,long, warm,dirty,thin,silly,heavy
Good-better-the best small-smaller-the smallest large-larger-the largest happy-happier-the happiest hot-hotter-the hottest long-longer-the longest warm-warmer-the warmest dirty-dirtier-the dirtiest thin-thiner-the thinest silly-sillier-the silliest heavy-heaver-the heavest
Good - the best. small- the smallest large*- the biggest happy*-the happiest long-the longest warm-the warmest dirty-the most dirty thin-the thinnest silly-most silly. heavy-the heaviest Ты написал 2 слова с ошибкой: huppy-happy* larg-large*Я не знаю превосходной степени not.