Number 1
1. A lot of или much
2.A lot of
3.Much, но вообще ещё как вариант anything
4. A lot of. Much (perhaps-возможно)
5.A lot of(many)
6. A lot of
8. A lot of
9. A lot of (Much)
10. Much
11. A lot of
Number 2
1. He has got plenty of money.
2. We have got plenty of petrol.
3.There is plenty of space in the room
4. We have got plenty of eggs
5. There is plenty of hotels
6. You have had a plenty to eat
7. You have plenty of things to do
Number 3(не уверена)
1. A little
3. A few
4. A little
5. A few
6. Little
7. A little
8. Few
9. Little