Мне надо вставитьь слова my your his her вот в эти предложения 1} i have got a dog ____...

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72 просмотров

Мне надо вставитьь слова my your his her вот в эти предложения 1} i have got a dog ____ dog is big. }2He has got an uncle____uncle is from America.She has got a brother____brother is five.You have got a friend____friend is good.My mother has got long hair____hair is fair.My father has got short hair___hair if black. в чёрточки надо вставить my your his или her

Английский язык (132 баллов) | 72 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1) - my
2) - his
3) - her
4) -your
5) - her
6) - his

(114 баллов)