The modern Olympic Games are over 100 years old.They take place every four years in a different city and country.There are two types of games -the summer Olympics and the winter Olympics
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Today over 10000 athletes run,jump,ride,fight and much more in the summer games
Over 3000 also compete in the winter games sking,skating,and doing all types of winter sports.
Only top sportsmen and women represent their countries in the Olympics.The games are usually the high point of the career and they work hard for years to get a place in them.The winners get medals in gold,silver and bronze and often break records.
Druds are not allowed.Whe organisers find athletes taking drugs,they send the athletes home.
There are two symbolos of the games.One is the flag of five coloured ring in blue,yellow,black,green and red.These symbolise the five continents-Europe,Asia,North and South Americas,and Africa where contestants come from.
Every country in the world has got one of the colours in their national flags.The other symbol is the Olympic flame.A famous person usually takes it into the stadium in the opening ceremony.They light the flame and that is the signal the games can begin
Современные Олимпийские игры появились более ста лет назад. Они проводятся каждые 4 года в разных городах и странах. Различают два типа игр - летние и зимние
Современные Олимпийские игры проводятся более 100 лет. Они проводятся каждые четыре года в разных городах и странах. Существуют два типа игр: летние Олимпийские игры и зимние Олимпийские игры