Напишите 20 вопросов с употреблением: What When Were How How often→always, usually,sometimes,often, never
Прости но тут только 8, но думаю пригодится :) 1) How often do you go to school? I always go to shool. 2) How pften do you go to the cinema? I sometimes go to the cinema. 3) How often do you go to the wake up late? I never go to the wake uplate. 4) How often do you go to the lean your room? I sometimes go to the lean your room. 5) How often do you go to the play sports? I sometimes go to the play sports. 6) How often do you go to the go shopping? I often go to the go shopping. 7) How often do you go to the read a book? I often go to the read book. 8) How often do you go to wash the dishes? I often go to the wash the dishes. Прости ещё раз☺ Удачи!
Ооо спасибо большое, думала не кто не напишет пошла сама писать кое как написала как раз 8 вопросов осталось. Спасибо большое ❤