Отрицание,общий,специальный,альтернативный. Hokusai brilliantly uses dark colours. Hiroshige was another artist of the Ukiyo-e school. The fishing boat is between the bridge and the trees.
Первое предложение: H. doesn't brilliantly use dark colours Does H. brilliantly use dark colours? Who brilliantly uses dark colours? Do H. brilliantly use dark colours or light colours? второе: wasn't Was H. another....(далее по тексту) Who was.... Was H. another artist of the Ukiyo-e school or of the (Какая-то Другая школа)? третье: isn't Is the fishing boat between (далее по тексту) What is between (делеее по тексту) Is the fishing boat or the ship between (по тексту) с альтернативными не 100% уверенности