Пожалуйста качественно переведите текст, данный ниже ** английский язык

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Пожалуйста качественно переведите текст, данный ниже на английский язык


Английский язык | 54 просмотров

а зачеркнутое переводить?

Дано ответов: 2
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Пусть будет так. Если что ребята поправят.

It is not a surprise that the most modern way of travelling is travelling by plane. Nowadays, people mostly travel by plane. It combines comfort and speed, so you'll reach your destination point very fast. There is no doubt, travelling by plane is the most comfortable way of travelling. But if you suffer from airsickness, flying may turn out to be not very pleasant. Unfortunately, flights are sometimes delayed due to contrary weather. Another disadvantage is biorythm disorder due to crossing several timezones.
Before emplanement you should check-in at the airport. Passengers need to come at the airport for one hour before the departure for international flights and for half an hour for domestic flights. You need to book your tickets, to weight and check the luggage.
Passengers travelling second class are allowed to carry up to 20kgs of luggage for free, and passengers travelling first class - up to 30kgs. For every extra kilogram, exceeding baggage allowance, you'll have to pay an extra price, according to baggage rate. You can also take some personal things aboard. These may be handbags, briefcases, umbrellas, cloaks and souvenirs, bought in duty-free shop. Each passenger has a boarding pass, which has to be shown before going aboard and to an air-hostess inside an airplane.
Before takeoff an air-hostess informs you about coming flight height and speed. She'll ask you not to smoke and fasten your seatbelts. She'll take care of you during the flight and help you to take your seat comfortably. Air inside a cabin is always fresh and warm. Captain will welcome you aboard.

(1.3k баллов)
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It is not a surprise that the most modern way of travelling is travelling by plane. Nowadays people mostly travel by plane. It combines comfort and speed, so you'll reach your destination point very fast. There is no doubt that travelling by plane is the most comfortable way of travelling. But if you are airsick, flying on a plane may be not very pleasant for you. Unfortunately, flights are delayed sometimes due to contrary
adverse weather conditions.. Another disadvantage is biorythm disorder due to crossing several timezones.
Before the emplanement you should check-in at the airport. Passengers need to come at the airport an one hour before the departure for international flights and for half an hour for domestic flights. You need to book your tickets, to weight your luggage and to pass it off.
Passengers who travel in second class are permitted to carry up to 20kgs of luggage for free, and passengers who travel in first class — up to 30kgs. For every extra kilo, that exceedes luggage carrying standards you have to pay an extra price, according to luggage rate. You can also take some
paraphernalia. Such things may be handbags, briefcases, portfolios with documents, umbrellas, cloaks and souvenirs, that were bought in duty-free shop. Each passenger has a boarding pass, which has to be shown when boarding the airplane and to an air-hostess in the cabin of an airplane.
Before the departure an air-hostess informs you about a flight, height and speed. She'll ask you to fasten your seatbelts and also not to smoke. She'll take care of you during the flight and help you to take your seat comfortably. An air inside a cabin is always fresh and warm. Captain will welcome you on board the plane.


Где именно?






Не знаешь — с самого начала молчи. Например, "on board the plane" — это такое выражение, которое ты не знал по причине плохого знания английского языка. Сейчас у тебя бомбанёт, да? xDDDDD


мне Вас искренне жаль.


А мне тебя уже нет.


Это каким же нужно быть несчастным человеком, чтобы в этом огромном светлом мире любить только себя и наслаждаться своей мнимой гениальностью! Прощайте! Не утруждайтесь, я не читаю более Ваших "гениальных" комментариев(((


Зато это каким несчастным человеком, как ты, надо быть, чтобы приписывать людям фразы, которые они не говорили, и страдать же от этого????!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))


Читаешь, однако.


Vsevolod, спасибо за редактуру) что касается артиклей, меня только AN air смутило, но это все мелочи