Переведите текст с английского на русский. A flight to India had a stopover at Heathrow Airport. The stopover was just two hours, so the
passengers only had time for a snack ang a bit of shopping before they were ready to board their
next plane to Bombay. But there was a huge queue to the security check and the passengers were
starting to get very nervous. They didn't want to miss their flight. One of the passengers in the queue
was a very tall Indian with a big bag. The bag was heavy for normal hang baggage and the man
had put it on a trolley. When it was his turnto go through the metal detector, he stepped forward
with his bag. Of course, the next thing everybody heard was a loud alarm (Серена). The security
officers went speechless with suprise. However, a moment later, they turned to the Indian man
and very politely asked him to leave his hang baggage with them before going through the metal
detector. The Indian smiled, took his bag off the trolley and gave it to a security officer. Then he
went back to his trolley, pushed it in front of him and to go through the metal detector once
again. By this time, it was very clear what the problem was.