Once upon a time there was a textbook. He was not new, but rather shabby. The guys were studious on it, wrapped in a cover, they did not draw on the pages. A textbook in gratitude revealed its secrets, helped schoolchildren learn and get good grades.
But then a bad luck began. He fell into the hands, who did not take care of him, did not care about him. The textbook was often forgotten in the closet, and he lay there for a long time, and he was afraid of the dark. If it was taken to the light, it was not even read, but simply leafed through, looking at the pictures. And the textbook wanted to be useful.
The following year, it became even worse. Now he lay for a long time in the sun, and when he was taken, the hands of the "master" were greasy or dirty. The pupil drew in the textbook little men, airplanes, tanks ...
I wanted the textbook to run back to the library, but he did not have legs. By the end of the year, he had become very ugly, he felt sorry for him.
The kind hands of caring people cured the textbook. He was glued, erased drawings from the fields, returned to the library. After that, the textbook was lucky, because he got to the guys caring. And the textbook lived happily ever after.