Soon (ˈsuːn) after (ˈæftɚ) the (ðə) sudden (ˈsʌdn̩) family (ˈfæmlɪ) moved (ˈmuːvd) from (frəm) Kent (`kɛnt) to (ˈtuː) a (ə) remote (rɪˈmoʊt) island (ˈaɪlənd) father (ˈfɑðɚ) of (əv) fourteen-year-old (fɔrˈtiːn-ˈjɪr-ˈoʊld) Faith (ˈfeɪθ) dies (ˈdaɪz) under (ˈʌndɚ) mysterious (mɪˈstɪriːəs) circumstances (ˈsɝkm̩ˌstænsəz) . Among (əˈmʌŋ) his (ˈhɪz) father's(ˈfɑðɚz) belongings (bɪˈlɔŋɪŋz) she (ˈʃiː) finds (ˈfaɪndz) a (ə) strange (ˈstreɪndʒˈ) tree (ˈtriː) . It (ˈɪt) grows (ˈɡroʊz) and (ənd) gives (ˈɡɪvz) fruit (ˈfruːt) , if (ˈɪf) you (ˈjuː) tell (ˈtɛl) him (ˈhɪm) a (ə) false (ˈfɔls) story (ˈstɔrɪ) . And (ənd) after (ˈæftɚ) eating (ˈiːtɪŋ) the (ðə) fruit (ˈfruːt), you (ˈjuː) can (kən) find (ˈfaɪnd) out (ˈaʊt) the (ðə) hidden (ˈhɪdn̩) secret (ˈsiːkrət). The (ðə) more (ˈmɔr) serious (ˈsɪriːəs) the (ðə) lie (ˈlaɪ) the (ðə) more (ˈmɔr) people (ˈpiːpəl) believe (bəˈliːv) , the (ðə) more (ˈmɔr) the (ðə) mystery (ˈmɪstɚrɪ). Trying (ˈtraɪɪŋ) to (ˈtuː) figure (ˈfɪɡjɚ) out (ˈaʊt) what (ˈwɑt) happened (ˈhæpənd), Faith (ˈfeɪθ) begins (bɪˈɡɪnz) the (ðə) game (ˈɡeɪm).