1) People living (определение) in Japan have some customs different from ours.
2) For example, we wipe our washed (определение) faces with dry towels, they wipe their faces with wet towels.
3) Entering (обстоятельство) houses our men take off their hats, the Japanese take off their shoes.
4) We give presents when arriving (обстоятельство), they leave them when departing (обстоятельство).
5) When in mourning (gerund дополнение) we wear black - В (чем?) трауре мы надеваем черное.
When in mourning (gerund обстоятельство времени) we wear black - Скорбя, мы надеваем черное.
6) We frown when being scolded (обстоятельство), they smile.
7) When we say that Japanese are strange people, they could reply, “The same to you.”