Help me
Complete the sentences with the phrases from the right column.
1. There are always choices 2. You give me reason 3. They have the power 4. Now there's an easier way 5. Whenever economic hardship breaks children are the first 6. In Egypt you've got plenty of geological wonders 7. Everybody has the right 8. A food mixer is a very useful gadget 9. In those days I had a baby 10. There are four ways 11. Mr. Killingworth is the right man 12. She had no desire 13. Bill says he needs a wife 14. She has always had the ability
15. This was a wonderful chance 16. This fashion magazine shows you 17. I went back to work with this thought
a. to suffer. b. to marvel at. c. to dream his little dream. d. to have in the kitchen, e. to veto any project. f. to mix with others. g. to do the talking, h. to make. i. to chew on. j. to give your child a world of knowledge, k. to do this sum. 1. to amuse everybody, take care of him. n. to talk about it. o. to look after, p. to live, q. the most successful
ways to dress.