Измените предложения, используя выделенные модальные глаголы. 1. Alex wants to allow her friend to use her dictionary. CAN '____________________.' 2. Julie wants permission from her teacher to leave the classroom. MAY '____________________?' 3. Lou wants to wear his brother's new trainers. CAN '____________________?' 4. Terry wants to ask her boss for permission to take the day off work. COULD '____________________?' 5. Diane wants to use her dad's car this weekend. CAN '____________________?' 6. A teacher wants to give students five extra minutes to finish the test. MAY '____________________.' помогите пожалуйста
2 You can use my dictionary
3 May I leave the classroom
4 Can I wear your new trainers
5 Could I take the day off work
6 Can I use your car this weekend
7 You may have five extra minutes to finish the test.