ДАЮ 45 БАЛЛОВ . ПОМОГИТЕ . Книга - Английский клуб , Алиса в зазеркалье (именно в зазеркалье ) , Intermediate. Спасибо
1-3(Alice had a golden crown on her head...) 2-12 (Alice learnt that she was going to have a party...) 3-1 ( the Queens examined Alice...) 4-4 ( the Queens fell asleep..) 5-6 (suddenly she found herself standing before the door...) 6-7 (Alice heard a long singing...) 7-8 ( Alice looked nervously..) 8-2 ( there were three chairs...) 9-9 ( the red queen introduced...) 10-10 ( the white queen repeated the poem) 11-11 ( everybody drank ...) 12-5 (when Alice was going to return thanks)