Like many other professions, the teaching profession also has advantages, but its nedostatki.V his career educator must constantly monitor their behavior, to be able to control it, to show restraint and a lot of patience, to be correct, not only with students, but also with parents. After all, they are known, are not the best teachers and vospitannymi.Professiya not easy: each student needs to find an approach to properly assess the knowledge and skills of the child, despite the personal attitude to nemu.Nedostatkom also be considered work wear, because the teacher is totally committed to the students. He must prepare for every new lesson in advance, it takes a lot of time - to check a large number of notebooks, not missing a single mistake, choose the job, taking into account individual student ability, thus losing time on your personal zhizn.Inogda such work is full of stress, which negatively impact on health and the teacher's work will bring you no udovolstvie.Lyuboy work should be well paid, but the teaching profession is not the case. Financial support of teachers does not match the value that these people make in the life of every child.