Переведите предложения, укажите какую функцию выпол-няет слово на -ing: а) определение, б) обстоятельство, в) подлежащее, г) часть сказуемого, д) дополнение. 1. Completing their growth by the end of the first season all annual plants die. 2. The farmers are preparing the soil for planting potatoes. 3. Planting field crops should begin when the seedbed is warm. 4. Many varieties of corn producing high yields are cultivated in this region. 5. These two discoveries marked the beginning of the domestication of plants and animals. 6. Composting is the natural cycle of plants living, dying, and breaking down to pass their nutrients to other plants. 7. Some bacteria penetrate deeper into the tissue reaching the water ducts within the plant.