Общий: Did Lomonosov state the law of conservation of matter?
Специальный: Who stated the law of conservation of matter?
Альтернативный: Did Lomonosov or Mendeleev state the law of conservation of matter?
Разделительный: Lomonosov stated the law of conservation of matter, didn't he?
Общий: Did Robert Stephenson build several famous bridges?
Специальный: What did Robert Stephenson build?
Альтернативный: Did Robert Stephenson buil several famous bridges or castles.
Разделительный: Robert Stephenson built several famous bridges, didn't he?
Общий: Does the house require painting?
Специальный: What he house require?
Альтернативный: Does the house require painting or reconstruction?
Разделительный: The house requires painting, doesn't it?
Общий: Is Buchingham Palace the Queen’s official London residence?
Специальный: Whose official London residence is Buchingham Palace?
Альтернативный: Is Buchingham Palace the Queen’s official London or Manchester residence?
Разделительный: Buchingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence, isn't it?
Общий: Does the light travel in straight line?
Специальный: How does the light travel?
Альтернативный: Does the light travel in straight or curvy line?
Разделительный: The light travels in straight line, doesn't it?