Даю 10 баллов!Люди! Переведите ** английский! Тауэрский мост. Тауэрский мост стал таким...

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Даю 10 баллов!Люди! Переведите на английский!

Тауэрский мост.
Тауэрский мост стал таким же символом Лондона, как Эйфелева башня - Парижа, статуя Свободы - Нью-Йорка. Он потрясает зрителя величественностью и строгостью форм.

Музей восковых фигур мадам Тюссо был основан урожденной Мари Гросхольц, которая была известным в Париже мастером восковых фигур. Выйдя замуж за инженера Франсуа Тюссо, она приехала в Лондон в начале XIX века, и к моменту ее смерти в 1850г. ее работы были уже известны. В 1884 г. ее внук, Джозеф Рэндал Тюссо, поместил фигуры в музее недалеко от Бейкер-Стрит, где они находятся и сейчас. В музее можно видеть не только известных, но и печально прославившихся личностей, членов королевской семьи, звезд поп музыки, а в комнате Ужасов - с палачей, расправляющихся со своими жертвами.

Биг Бен - всемирно известные часы, которые определяют наступление Нового года по Гринвичу. Строительство часов началось в 1837 году (когда перестраивали английский парламент), завершилось в 1859 году. Открытие было приурочено к восхождению на трон королевы Виктории. С тех пор часы стали одним из главных символов Англии и Лондона.

Букингемский дворец, является символом монархии. Это резиденция королевы Елизаветы II, ныне открытая для осмотра широкой публике.

Легендарный Стоунхендж (датируется примерно 3100 - 1800 г. до н.э.) - наиболее известный доисторический участок в Европе. О назначении Стоунхеджа ведутся cпоры на протяжении многих столетий, среди версий были и предположение о том, что это храм древних кельтов, и астрономическая обсерватория, и то, что творцами этого мегалитического кольца из вертикальных каменных плит были инопланетяне, но загадка его так и не разгадана.

Английский язык (58 баллов) | 66 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Tower Bridge.The Tower Bridge became the same symbol of London as the Eiffel Tower - Paris, the Statue of Liberty - New York. It shakes the viewer with majesty and severity of form.
The Madame Tussaud wax museum was founded by the Marie Groholz, who was a famous wax figure in Paris. Having married engineer Francois Tussaud, she came to London at the beginning of the XIX century, and by the time of her death in 1850. Her work was already known. In 1884, her grandson, Joseph Randal Tussaud, placed figures in a museum near Baker Street, where they are now. In the museum you can see not only well-known, but also sadly famous personalities, members of the royal family, pop music stars, and in the room of Horror - with the executioners dealing with their victims.
Big Ben is a world-famous watch that defines the arrival of the New Year in Greenwich. The construction of the watch began in 1837 (when the English parliament was rebuilt), was completed in 1859. The opening was timed to the ascent to the throne of Queen Victoria. Since then, watches have become one of the main symbols of England and London.
Buckingham Palace, is a symbol of the monarchy. It is the residence of Queen Elizabeth II, now open for inspection to the general public.
Stonehenge.The legendary Stonehenge (dated about 3100 - 1800 BC) is the most famous prehistoric site in Europe. On the appointment of Stonehead, censors have been held for many centuries, among the versions there were both the assumption that it was a temple of ancient Celts, and an astronomical observatory, and that the creators of this megalithic ring of vertical stone slabs were aliens, but the mystery was never solved 

(868 баллов)

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Tower Bridge. The Tower Bridge became the same symbol of London as the Eiffel Tower - Paris, the Statue of Liberty - New York. It shakes the viewer with majesty and severity of form. The Madame Tussaud wax museum was founded by the née Marie Großholz, who was a famous wax figure in Paris. Having married engineer Francois Tussaud, she came to London at the beginning of the XIX century, and by the time of her death in 1850. Her work was already known. In 1884, her grandson, Joseph Randal Tussaud, placed figures in a museum near Baker Street, where they are now. In the museum you can see not only well-known, but also sadly famous personalities, members of the royal family, pop music stars, and in the room of Horror - with the executioners dealing with their victims. Big Ben is a world-famous watch that defines the arrival of the New Year in Greenwich. The construction of the watch began in 1837 (when the English parliament was rebuilt), was completed in 1859. The opening was timed to the ascent to the throne of Queen Victoria. Since then, watches have become one of the main symbols of England and London. Buckingham Palace, is a symbol of the monarchy. It is the residence of Queen Elizabeth II, now open for inspection to the general public. Stonehenge. The legendary Stonehenge (dated about 3100 - 1800 BC) is the most famous prehistoric site in Europe. On the appointment of Stonehead, censors have been held for many centuries, among the versions there were both the assumption that it was a temple of ancient Celts, and an astronomical observatory, and that the creators of this megalithic ring of vertical stone slabs were aliens, but the mystery was never solved

(177 баллов)