Let US READ. Read and say if the telephone works well.
1. Dan - Hi, Tony !This is Dan.
2. Tony - Sorry, who?
3.Dan - Dan. How are you, Tony ?
4.Tony - Fine, thanks, and you ?
5. Dan - I'm OK. Tony, let's go to the stadium.
6. Tony - Where?
7. Dan - To the stadium to play hockey.
8. Tony - To play what ?
9.Dan -Hockey.
10.Tony - Great.
11.Dan - Does Al want to go with us.
12.Tony -Does who?
13. Dan - Al.
14. Tony - Yes, he does.
15. Dan - Can he play hockey well ?
16.Tony - Play what ?
17. Dan - Hockey.
18. Tony - I'm sorry, I don't know. But he likes to play hockey very much.
19. Dan - OK. Let's invite Bill, too.
20. Tony - Invite whom?
21. Dan - Bill. I know that he can play hockey very well.
22.Tony - Do you think Bill wants to play with us?
23. Dan - Of course!
24. Tony - OK. Let's all go to the stadium. Then we'll play computer games at school.