Sapala Kalush with Kalasatama naposki. And upazila Bulavko, and wills:- Kalusta! Causatory! Bulavka!Calulate prisyapali and Bulavko was stramboli. And podudonilis.And Kalush wills:- An OE! An OE! Butovka-that's no hassle!Calulate Bulavko wyczucie.Bulavka of ustelecoms, capricornus and Papale with naposki.And Kalush wills causatum:- Causatory! Not trycite of botafoc, butelki Dubya and sumo's no hassle-sumo's no hassle's no hassle.From botafoc doganaccia.And Bulavka wills for naposki:- Kalusta podudonilis! Sumo's no hassle's no hassle! Puski Batya!