Пожалуйста СРОЧНО даю 30 баллов Нужно написать сочинение по английскому я зыку мода у...

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Пожалуйста СРОЧНО даю 30 баллов
Нужно написать сочинение по английскому я зыку мода у подростков

Английский язык (157 баллов) | 56 просмотров
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Fashion for tyneydzherov sezonov Spring - Summer, Autumn and Winter 2017 Podrostkovыy vozrast - TIME rebellion and samoutverzhdenyya. Podrostky yschut attention - and odevayutsya in эpatazhnыe naryadы. If they want Podrostky bыt "as is" emphasize co obschnost svoymy Friends - and krasyat volosы in blue color. Designers odezhdы slыshat protyvorechyvыe wish teenagers and yschut Each year the line Between Aspiration vыdelytsya and fear bыt neprynyatыm peer. RED samыe often vstrechayuschyesya frazы in otdelah podrostkovoy odezhdы sound like this: "I have something, go dolzhen ynkubatorskyy How?" And "such sludge No one wears!". Create Clothing trebovatelnыh for such buyers - a task neprostaya Very ynteresnaya. Look, something predlahayut podrostkam designers for season 2017 year. So hytы podrostkovoy fashion 2017 Manuscript from the point of view modelerov and stylystov. The first and eternal - a new generation of denim. Vernee ideas, something with эtymy jeans can be Set. Most downtime - sunset shtanynы a bit narrow roll ankle Above Or prymerno to seredynы ykrы. Odobryayu, Very practical, Tacoma varyante No one uznaet, something IZ эtyh Shtanov podrostok already vыros. Way, so podvernut can be lyubыe shtanы (except klassycheskyh pants) and Even shortы. Opyat modem to wear, and prorezy dыrky, and something sylnee prodranы dzhynsы, themes îíè modnee. Praktychnaya fashion. Indeed podrostkovoy new fashion 2017 - dzhynsы in horoshek. Predpryymchyvыe prodavtsы principle has sales of special markers with otbelyvatelem, pozvolyayuschyh sketch on svoyh jeans horoshynы lyubыh razmerov and hustotы. No less than is fashionable and postepennoe otbelyvanye here Traditionally Colors dzhynsovoy tissue to White, and drawings continues fashion Various applykatsyy: Can prykleyvat and inscriptions, and Digit Direct, and embroidery, and fragments kruzhevnoho canvas, separately Or everything Immediately on, plastic and the same dzhynsы - all a modem. This Stylystы podayut Under the slogan of "add image yndyvydualnosty own way." Give Ability podrostku эksperymentyrovat, on lysh Total sleduet fashion Fashion Spring Summer 2017 Photo Podrostkovыe Platja in 2017 godu can be descriptive word "zapomynaemыe." Very raznыe, that nezhnыh Almost childish to эpatyruyuschyh ... vprochem, it shall better picture. As seen Smotrym IZ pictures - Platja mogut bыt Very raznыmy. Stylystы named the most modnыe Colors эtoho season for teenagers - is oranzhevыy, byryuzovыy, yellow, blue, and bright-korallovыy Green. New fashion podrostkovoy 2017 - jacquard. Platja, blouses, shortы, yubky ... modelerы widely yspolzuyut zhakkardovuyu fabric and prints ee Imitation in a Collection for adolescents. Persists fashion tsvetochnыe pryntы and horoshek in modem Large zigzag, zoolohycheskye pryntы, inscriptions and drawings, syluэtы. Odnotonnыh of things for teenagers in Collection was NAMS more. Azhurnыe and poluprozrachnыe Several ustupyly pozytsyy tissue, but not vыshly IZ fashion ....

(120 баллов)