Придуймайте,пожалуйста диалог о походе в супер маркет на английском.5 класс,чтобы легкие лсова были без перводичка делайте!
Usually my parents go to supermarket once a week. And sometimes i go with them. Because I want to help them. First we buy dairy products ( молочные продукты). After that we buy spices ( специи ) for food. Then we bought other food. And my mom also buy meat (мясо). And for me it is not very pleasant ( для меня это не приятно). Because the raw meat smells awful ( потому что сырое мясо пахнет ужасно). And at the end I ask my mom to buy me something sweet. And this is a gift for me. I love go to the supermarket with my parents.