1 She wondered what kind of car I had.
2 She wondered what it cost me to run it.
3 She wondered how many kilometres it did the litre.
4 She wondered if that belonged me or me and my wife.
5 She wondered if my wife could drive.
6 She wondered if she was a safe driver.
7 She wondered how many kilometres I drove in a month.
8 She wondered if I had passed my test the first time.
9 She wondered if I thought that driving tests were in use.
10 She wondered if I gave lifts.
11 She wondered how long I had been driving.
12 She wondered if I had ever had an accident.
13 She wondered if it had been my own fault.
14 She wondered if I did my own repairs.
15 She wondered what I would do if petrol had doubled in price.
16 She wondered if I always wore a safety bell.
17 She wondered if I took the car to work.
18 She wondered if I was thinking of getting a new car.
19 She wondered if I let my wife take the car shopping.
20 She wondered if I did not think it was unwise to let my wife drive.