Роми напечатала рассказ о своём друге, но по ошибке удалила некоторые буквы. Заполни пропуски. This is my fr__nd. He has got a big f_m_l_. He has got a m_th_r, a f_th_r, a s_st_r and a br_th_r. He has got a gr_ndm_th_ r and a dr_th_r. He has got a gr_ndm_th_r and a gr_ndf_th_r, too. They are g__d and n_c_.
1 friend 2 family 3 mother 4 father 5 sister 6 brother 7 grandmother 8 grandfather 9 grandmother 10 grandfather 11 good 12 nice
Friend, family, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, ..., grandmother, grandfather, good, nice